[Psychology] Introduction to Neurological Assessment Vol. 1 Principles and Practical Application of Assessment

Description of the Resource:

This OER is a website that incorporates introductory neuropsychology lessons via tabular modules on the discipline of neuropsychological assessment and practical applications. A recent APA survey shows that over 80% of people working in the mental health field (including psychologists) are white with some 60% identifying as white women. People of primarily Caucasian background are the least likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder, and yet are still the most likely to receive treatment. This disparity didn’t arise from nothing. However, exposure of the field to ethnicities other than the present Eurocentric dominant culture is an invaluable way both to expose and enlighten this field as both a treatment option, and career option.

As the population ages, this specialty becomes more and more indispensable, and it must be presented to non-white ethnicities in order to establish and secure its future. After scouring the OER databases and libraries and finding hardly a single mention of neuropsychology, I decided I would endeavor to be the first to do so. My intent is for other clinicians and educators find this resource, and then contribute to it some of their own experiences and knowledge, that it grow into a full text, Canvas course, and experience.

How This Resource Integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Principles and Practices:

This text provides a framework for incorporating the principles of DEI in a clinical assessment setting. In addition to its own section about the history of DEI in the field, it highlights many contributions to science and medicine from many cultures including African, Greek, Asian, and African American.

Tips, Tricks, and Advice from the Faculty Author(s) Regarding OER Creation:

As an author in both scientific literature and clinical mental health texts, I recommend two weeks per chapter or 10 pages if it is your sole project. If there is other work (research, teaching courses, guest lectures, other texts). I recommend one month per chapter. Even one page a day seems doable, if you get sick or life happens, that quickly turns into five pages a day. At this point, quality drops in order to get the job done. If you are someone who cannot put out low quality work, give yourself six months to a year to do a brand new text from start to finish.

Image created on Microsoft Designer, prompt by John Gallien.