[English] Voices Unbound: Global Narratives of Struggle and Justice

Description of the Resource:

Voices Unbound: Global Narratives of Struggle and Justice is a collection that brings together diverse stories, essays, poems, and plays from around the globe, each contributing to a dialogue on social justice. This OER aims to provide teachers an opportunity to educate, inspire, and empower readers to engage with social justice issues through the power of literature.

How This Resource Integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Principles and Practices:

The text emphasizes the liberation of voices that have been historically marginalized, silenced, or oppressed, encouraging readers to explore a wide range of perspectives and experiences. By highlighting global narratives, the title points to the universality of the struggle for justice, while also honoring the specific cultural, historical, and personal contexts of each contribution. This OER seeks to equip educators with tools to engage students in critical examinations of social justice themes through literature.

Tips, Tricks, and Advice from the Faculty Author(s) Regarding OER Creation:

The creation of OER should be led by a curiosity about the subject, an approach that is not easily found among existing texts, and a love for research. Cite copiously and share generously.