Drugs, Health, and Society

In this open textbook, you will find eight chapters.

  1. Topic: What are Drugs?
  2. Topic: Body Works in Relation to Drugs
  3. Topic: Types of Drugs Commonly Misused
  4. Topic: Prescriptions, Over the Counter Medications, and Supplements
  5. Topic: Social Determinants of Drug Use
  6. Topic: Law, Regulation, and Policy
  7. Topic: Use, Abuse, Addiction, and Treatment
  8. Topic: Prevention



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Drugs, Health & Society Copyright © 2024 by Rodney Ragsdale; Jacqueline Schwab; Denise Salters; Christy Bazan; Brandi Barnes; Ryan Santens; and Emily Verone is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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