
3.5 End of Module Material


This module explores love, intimacy, and sexuality, shedding light on their multifaceted nature and societal implications. Firstly, scholars will explore the intricate world of love, differentiating between various types such as romantic love, platonic love, and familial love. They will understand how these types of love manifest in diverse relationships and contexts, recognizing the nuances and dynamics that shape each form of affection. Additionally, learners will explore the concept of sexual scripts, dissecting sexual behavior scripts, the double standard, and the pervasive influence of hookup culture in contemporary sexual interactions. Through critical analysis, students will unravel how these scripts mold individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and expectations in sexual relationships, illuminating the complexities of human intimacy.

Furthermore, this module investigates the diverse aspects of sexuality, including sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, and sexual health. Scholars will examine how these components intricately intertwine to contribute to individuals’ overall sexual experiences and well-being, fostering a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of human sexuality. Moreover, learners will investigate the concept of sexual orientation, encompassing heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality, and recognize the fluidity and complexity of sexual orientation across individuals and communities. Finally, scholars will critically analyze societal norms and attitudes surrounding sexuality and sexual orientation, including stigmas, stereotypes, and discrimination, and explore strategies for promoting inclusivity, acceptance, and understanding of diverse sexual identities and experiences, fostering a more inclusive and supportive societal framework.


  1. Sensate Focus (Cornell University 2019)
  2. What I Want To Do (Sexapalooza 2014)
  3. Sex Tips for Neurodivergent Individuals and Those with Sensory Sensitivities: An Expert Guide from Sydney King (ShopEnby Journal 2021)
  4. Love in the Time of Crisis w/Maira Olivia-Rios and Levi Harter (Red Nation Podcast 2024)


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