
4.4 End of Module Material


This module provides a comprehensive exploration of intimate relationships within the framework of evolutionary theories and socio-psychological concepts. Beginning with an examination of evolutionary theories, including sexual selection and sexual strategy theories, students gain insight into the evolutionary roots of human mating behavior and relationship dynamics. Subsequently, the module examines the complexities of liking and loving in long-term relationships, dissecting the nuanced differences between these forms of affection and elucidating their profound impact on relationship dynamics. Further, the module evaluates the concepts of closeness and intimacy, offering scholars a multifaceted understanding of emotional and psychological proximity in interpersonal relationships. By comparing and contrasting communal and exchange relationships, scholars develop an understanding of the motivations, expectations, and patterns of interaction inherent in different types of relationships, setting the stage for an exploration of interdependence and its pivotal role in fostering commitment and cooperation within intimate relationships.

Moreover, the module reviews attachment theory and its implications for romantic relationships, empowering scholars to identify and comprehend the various attachment styles and their influence on the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of intimate bonds. Through a critical examination of the influence of the Internet on contemporary relationships, scholars gain insight into the opportunities and challenges posed by online interactions and digital communication platforms. Additionally, the module analyzes the institution of marriage within the context of long-term relationships, exploring cultural variations, legal implications, and social norms surrounding marital unions. Furthermore, scholars examine the phenomenon of cohabitation as an alternative to traditional marriage, considering its motivations, benefits, and challenges. Finally, the module equips scholars with evidence-based strategies for making relationships last and sustaining intimacy over time.


  1. Relationship Gratitude Tips (Therapist Aid 2017)
  2. Relationship Growth Activity: Discovery Questions (Therapist Aid 2015)
  3. The Four Horsemen and Their Antidotes (Therapist Aid 2021)


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