
5.6 End of Module Material


The module on Family Life & Wellness provides a comprehensive exploration of the various factors influencing communication patterns and dynamics within families and communities. It begins by examining the role of socialization in shaping these communication patterns, emphasizing how cultural norms and societal influences contribute to familial interactions. Through an analysis of argument dynamics, learners gain insight into the complexities of familial relationships and the implications of conflict on communication and overall family cohesion. Additionally, the module studies the diverse structures and functions of families, highlighting their roles and processes within society, and evaluates the concept of parental investment, shedding light on its significance in fostering healthy family dynamics and child development.

Furthermore, the module investigates into the unique experiences of immigrant and refugee families, exploring the challenges they face in maintaining their cultural identity while adapting to new environments. Scholars examine the motivations driving migration decisions and assess the impact of these motivations on family dynamics, connections, and identity. Through an exploration of family obligation and strategies for achieving aspirations, students gain a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in immigrant and refugee family experiences. Moreover, the module addresses contextual risks faced by these families, such as socio-economic disparities and cultural barriers, and evaluates the process of resettlement and its effects on family dynamics and well-being. Finally, learners explore the influence of technology on family communication and relationships, as well as strategies for promoting healthy family dynamics through effective communication, conflict resolution, and boundary-setting.


  1. Fair Fighting Rules (Therapist Aid 2020)
  2. “I” Statements (Therapist Aid 2017)
  3. Active Listening: Communication Skill (Therapist Aid 2020)
  4. Assertive Communication (Therapist Aid 2017)
  5. Relationship Conflict Resolution (Therapist Aid 2013)
  6. How to Apologize (Therapist Aid 2021)
  7. Parenting Quiz (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)
  8. Has Parenthood Changed You? (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)
  9. Single Parenting Assessment (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)
  10. Fatherhood Patterns Assessment (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)
  11. Motherhood Patterns Assessment (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)
  12. Processing the Fatherhood & Motherhood Patterns Assessments (Hammond, Cheney, & Pearsey 2021)

You can find more discussions on social relationships and health in Noba (http://noba.to/4tm85z2x).


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