6.6 End of Module Material


The module on Family Conflict & Crisis investigates the intricate dynamics and far-reaching consequences of various challenges that can disrupt familial harmony. Firstly, it explores the pervasive issue of alcohol and drug abuse within families, shedding light on how such substances impact relationships, parenting roles, and overall family functioning. From strained interpersonal dynamics to compromised parental abilities, the module uncovers the multifaceted effects of substance abuse on family life.

Moreover, the module equips learners with the skills to recognize and address relationship abuse, encompassing domestic violence, intimate partner violence among immigrants and refugees, and the insidious role of technology in perpetuating such abuse. The module also focuses on understanding of the signs and consequences of child abuse within family contexts, encompassing physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect. By understanding the signs and characteristics of relationship and child abuse, learners gain insight into how to support survivors and combat these harmful patterns within familial and societal contexts.

Finally, the module considers the complex factors contributing to divorce, including predictors and odds, and examine the profound effects of divorce on children’s emotional, social, and academic well-being. Learners also evaluate the challenges and dynamics inherent in remarriage and stepfamilies, delving into the adjustment process for both children and adults, effective co-parenting strategies, and the crucial role of communication and conflict resolution in fostering healthy family dynamics. Through an exploration of these critical topics, the module empowers individuals to navigate and mitigate the complex challenges that can arise within family units, fostering healthier and more resilient familial bonds.


  1. Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan: A Technical Package of Programs, Policies, and Practices (CDC 2017)
  2. National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVS 2024)
  3. Criminal Victimization, 2022 (U.S. Department of Justice 2023)
  4. Strengthening Relationships (Love Languages 2024)
  5. Stronger Marriage Connection Podcast (Utah State University 2010)
  6. National Stepfamily Resource Center (NSRC 2024)


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