Module 2. Our Power & Identity
In Module 2, we examined the influence of culture on collective and individual identity. We learned how identity shapes our perceptions including the way we think about and label people. You were asked to consider how your identity informs your experiences, values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and connections to others. We also explored intersectionality as a source for systems of power and inequality. And lastly, we considered the impact of othering on racial trauma and the ongoing reproduction of inequality.
- Discuss how culture and identify shape people’s observations and assessments about others.
- Describe the ways intersectionality of race and other forms of identity persuade people’s perceptions, status, and access to resources in society.
- Explain the influence of technology on collective and individual identity.
- Analyze the impact of social labels and categories on identity, racial trauma, othering, and inequality.
- Why might people of color keep certain aspects of their identity private? What aspects of your identity do you hide or change to fit in or be accepted by others?

From the module, what information and new knowledge did I find interesting or useful? How do I plan to use this information and new knowledge in my personal and professional development and improvement?